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Archive for the ‘Global Internet Seminar (HK)’ Category

The aftermath of GIS…

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Hey guys!

Finally, after a painstaking wait, I’m gonna write this!

Sorry about that…it has been a crazy month, with us moving and pipes bursting and attending the GIS and all that…it’s been hard to take time out and blog.

Well, without further digressing, here it is.

Going to GIS…literally blew my mind away. I mean, in the mere presence of those power players, the patina of awesomeness they exuded, I felt humbled. I truly felt a world of difference between the audience and the stage, despite the speakers’ efforts at convincing us that there’s not a lot of distance betwen us (literally…and figuratively).

So then, I thought, ‘well, the pro guys speaking up there on stage SHOULDN’T be lying.’

The more I pondered, the more I became convinced that there’s not so much difference between ‘you and me’ (quote unquote, ‘you’ being us newbies, and ‘me’ being the gurus).

I mean, looking back at the SIMPLEST model of internet marketing available, email marketing, all you have to do to get started:

  1. Conduct market research (finding rabid buyers)
  2. Conduct keyword research (finding those that have a modest search volume, and which you can dominate, without much competition)
  3. Buy your domain name and webhosting, and transfer your DNSes to your webhost (you have to wait for it to propagate – that’s to circulate in the world’s DNSes)Conducting market research
  4. Find a product (either buy PLRs, that’s Private Label Rights, or MRRs, Master Resell Rights) or develop your own
  5. Design the marketing graphics that go with it (banner ads, text ads, front covers, etc.)
  6. Build a squeeze page and FTP it to your webhost’s server
  7. Link the optin form to your autoresponder
  8. Write a series of emails (start with 7?) without the greens in mind and including a load of content (use ethos, logos and pathos to help elicit empathy and establish rapport)
  9. Research related products that have affiliate programs
  10. Contact the support team to get a sample portion of the product and review it
  11. If it’s worth it, sign up. If the quality is awful, then search for another one.
  12. Check conversion rates and commission payout rates (reputation of those affiliate programs and webmasters) to make sure you actually get the commissions on time.
  13. Get your affiliate links.
  14. Post them whenever the etiquette is appropriate in your emails (content that links to it).
  15. Automate your emails using an autoresponder service.
  16. Promote your squeeze page using traffic generation techniques (Q&A sites, Social media, Social bookmarking, eZines, article directories, Blogs, review sites, etc.)
  17. Wait for commissions to pour in.

I mean, when you put it like that, it sounds W-A-A-A-A-Y more logical, doesn’t it?

The only difference is in the numbers. We’d probably make a few do

$, $, lots of it

Lots of $$

llars – a couple hundred of bucks, while the gurus are doing this in the hundreds of thousands of dollars PER MONTH, and possibly 7-8 figures, depending on their viral marketing strategies.

So, what’s the catch?

After all, these 17 steps LOOK simple enough, aren’t they? They LOOK simple enough, don’t they…..

The catch is simple. It’s the terra incognita factor in play again.

It’s the fear of the unknown.

It’s the technicalities.


But again, it’s not the separate components that are difficult, it’s STRINGING THE COMPONENTS TO FORM A COMPLETE PICTURE THAT IS.

What do I do with the domain name? How do I configure custom emails? How do I access them? What services should I sign up with? What happens when I do build my squeeze page?

Again, it’s really as the gurus said on stage.

‘…most people fail…because they get CAUGHT UP.’


You get caught up in life, caught up in the finer details of each step, caught up in a snag…

There’s no end to it.


That’s the whole point of this post. I really wanted to share my thoughts to this seemingly impossible conundrum…

But instead of being direct, I wanna use a slightly roundabout manner of expression…

So, I’m going to leave with Ewen’s slightly comical (but true) quote, with a slight extrapolation…

‘…the most important skills you must have in Internet marketing are: copy and paste.’

– Ewen Chia

A slight addition:

‘…the most important skills you must have in Internet marketing are: copy, paste AND UNDO.’

No biggie. Just one more shortcut, one more key sequence to remember (*hints hints* UNDO)…

There it is.

Do share your thoughts here (leave a comment)!

**UPDATE: Finished notes! (04.12.09)

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Hey guys! Just dropping by to post the new, updated link to the finished notes that I’ve uploaded to rapidshare, here’s the link:

Thanks for the support, and look forward to future updates!

Coming soon: The aftermath of GIS… (explaining what REALLY keeps us from setting up an internet business!)

Written by imicrothinking

December 5, 2009 at 12:02 am

For all GIS (Global Internet Seminar) fellow friends…

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Hey guys!

Here’s a few pages of the notes that I took during the seminar, and I’ve uploaded them here, hope they’re gonna be useful!

I re-organized the notes by speaker, since I folded each A4 page into small A5 booklets, I wrote a page number on the lower left hand corners of each page, so we can easily identify the order. Do excuse me if it is a bit sporadic…but here it is.

Here’s a preview:

Download zip file (with all pages) here:

Do leave a comment here!

By the way, if you liked it and think friends can benefit, simply share it through the sidebar to the right, where it says ‘share this blog’, and literally, share this blog through your favorite social media sites! XD

Written by imicrothinking

December 1, 2009 at 1:35 am